Accuracy - Check Gripper Datum Hole Position Variance

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 17/01/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Accuracy Check Procecedure for Gripper Datum Hole Position

Applies To

ZX5 Only


Number Description / Link
SYM100 Accuracy - Intermittent Operation Position
SYM201 Interruption - Saw Side Gripper Not Gripping

Diagnostic Method

Collect all the offcut ends from a batch of cutting from the machine and measure the distance of the gripper datum holes from the end of the bar

Accuracy - Check Gripper Datum Hole Position Variance 20230116 082539.jpg

Pass / Fail

Removing any error created by the profile squareness,

the distance to the edge of the hole should be between 6 and 8mm.

...The photo above shows a FAIL situation


If the hole position is consistent, but outside the tolerance range of

