VSM Welder After Welding Options

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 9/09/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

The Sturtz VSM welder has a number of options on how to present the finished frame after welding

After Welding Options

The VSM software allows for the following unloading options

Flag Option Description
1 Loading: Clampingunit 1 Extend
2 Loading: Clampingunit 2 Extend
4 Loading: Belts Up For unloading to a rear corner cleaner
8 Release: Clamps Retract
16 Release: Offloading Support Arms Enables the cylinders for pushing profile forwards from rear
32 Release: Belts Up For unloading to a rear corner cleaner
64 Loading: Melting Retracted For unloading to a rear corner cleaner
256 disable centering Disables the centralising unloading cylinders


Log in. You will need to log in as Technician to access these options. For the password, please contact service, the passwords are stored in the file g:\IT Department\Sturtz Passwords.txt

Select Apps

VSM Welder After Welding Options Apps 1.png

Select Profile Data

VSM Welder After Welding Options Profile Data.png

Scroll right to special function column

VSM Welder After Welding Options Special Column.png

Highlight the profile special 1 parameter and press F1

VSM Welder After Welding Options Press F1.png

Select the options as required and press Save.

The numerical value of the options selected will reflect in the number in the column

Position After Welding Width and Height

The position of the heads after welding can be adjusted in these columns. This is the distance the welder moves to release from the block.

VSM Welder After Welding Options Pos after welding.png
...These positions are only active if the "disabled centering" parameter is selected

