Upgrading Visual Studio to Beckhoff TCXAEShell

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 18/03/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

How to upgrade older Visual Studio TiwinCAT editors to Beckhoff badged TcXAEShell


Because this upgrade is normally done to include source control directly in the project, you will have to also upgrade the Git Credential manager, as the one installed as party of the TcXAEShell has a bug in it

Étape 1 - Download the TcXAE install program to the PC

Ask one of the IT team to connect and download it

...It is over 1Gb long!


Étape 2 - Install

Ensure the box indicated is ticked

Étape 3 - Download and install Credentials Manager


There are lots of forms on install - leave all as default

