Guide for the permanent upkeep and improvement of the stores area
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 4/01/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
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Guide for the permanent upkeep and improvement of the stores area
These rules have been implemented to prevent the stores returning to the same state it had got to in 2021. Many decades of neglect had led to an impossible to manage situation where stock was lost. The goal is to allow anyone of any ability, with a few minutes' training, to be able to locate or count any given part.
An area has been assigned for spare stock bins - please use it to keep organised
in the database - this is VERY importantIf there are special instructions or snippets of information that need to be remembered, write these on a piece of paper and put this in the storage bin
Examples would be:
If a bin will start overflowing by restocking with parts, USE A BIGGER BIN!
Updating the location in database
Inserting an existing part amongst others
Brand New Stock Item
Barcode Scanning Multiple Bin Locations
Printing Znnnn Shelf Labels
Shelf Label Specification
Guidelines for outsize storage types en none 0
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