ZFT File Format

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 17/02/2021 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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The file format (ZFT file) is completely open and flexible and allows any Zebra label command to be used

To get the correct label information on the label, a method of field substitution is used. The software searches for field codes in the label format that begin and end with “$$”.

Field Description
$$XLAB1$$ Line 1 from PRN File
$$XLAB2$$ Line 2 from PRN File
$$XLAB3$$ Line 3 from PRN File
$$XLAB4$$ Line 4 from PRN File
$$XLAB5$$ Line 5 from PRN File
$$XLAB6$$ Line 6 from PRN File
$$XLAB7$$ Line 7 from PRN File
$$XLAB8$$ Line 8 from PRN File
$$COLOUR$$ Profile colour
$$ID1$$ first 20 characters of the 40 character id field in the piece record
$$ID2$$ second 20 characters of id filed (done like this so the id field can go on 2 lines)
$$LENGTH$$ string representation of piece length – one decimal point
$$MITRE$$ string representation of mitre characters (eg \ /, [ ], < ], etc)
$$PROFILE$$ profile code
$$TROLNO$$ Trolley Number
$$BARCODE$$ Batch / Piece identification number ( 8 characters of batch name, 4 characters of piece number) – exactly as the number in SAMOUT
$$WELDER$$ Uses the id field for a welder barcode. This uses the barcodeLength parameter to take the number of digits to use from the left to right, then barcodeTrim trims leading characters from the left.

The label format is a standard ZPL format with the above fields in. All details of the zpl follow in the ZPL programming language manual.



Here is the PRNFMT.ZFT file:

^FO165,10^AS^FDBatch: $$BATCHNO$$ Piece:$$PIECENO$$^FS
^FO20,  0^AV^FD$$BINNO$$^FS
^FO20, 75^AF^FD$$XLAB1$$^FS
  • ^XA and ^XZ start and end the format
  • ^LH positions the start of the label
  • ^FWN,0 Sets the rotation and left justifies all text fields
  • ^FOn,n positions a text field
  • ^Ax Selects a font
  • ^FD defines the data string for the field – can be straight text or a $$ field substitution
  • ^FS denotes the end of the field definition

