TB0337 Part Obsolescence - Ecoline Control System

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 29/01/2021 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Obsolete components on Stuga Ecolines

Technical Bulletin

TB Number: 337
Originator: Gareth Green
Machine: Ecoline
Date: 23/02/17
Circulate to: Service;
Title: Part Obsolescence – Ecoline Control System


The Ecoline was manufactured from 2003 to 2005, and all machines are still in production today, outliving the expected design lifespan of 10 years.

Following the sudden and unexpected liquidation of Smartdrive Ltd in January 2017 a key UK supplier of stepper motor control products to Stuga since 1986), many of the system components in the Ecoline are now obsolete. We will be working to provide a replacement system to ensure the longevity of the machine into the future, but in the short term, there is no direct replacement available for some components that were designed and manufactured by Smartdrive.

Components Affected

Part No Description Notes Photo
C0000155 Servo Drive: Samsung Fara 1kW On later Ecoline models on X axis
C0000151 Samsung Servo Motor On later Ecoline models on X axis
C0000189 / C0000190 Stepper Drive DM110 / DM165 Microstepping Y, Z and R axes
C0000280 Stepper Drive: SA46/XO40 3 Axis + PSU Y, Z and R axes
TB0337 Part Obsolescence - Ecoline Control System C0000280-1.jpg
C0000202 3.4" 2Stack 6.8A Drive Motor Y and Z axes
C0000205 Taranis Drive 7.5A G and V axes
C0000207 Taranis Power Supply G and V axes

