Removing TwinCAT3 Interpolation Licence

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 11/09/2020 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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How to remove a TwinCAT3 reference to an interpolatiomn or NCi licence


Wen creating a new project on conversion from a TwinCAT2 to TwinCAT3 system, there may be a reference to a an unrequired NCi licence (interpolation)

...Interpolation is the term used for the maths required to run two or more axes together and variable speeds to create a shape, like a diagonal line or circle

Étape 1 - Check if you need to do this

You will get an error message saying a licence has expired.

In the project view under licences, you will see TF5100 (TC NC I) expired

Étape 2 - Delete the 'Interpolate' Motion Item

Étape 3 - Activate the project

