Dictionary of parameters in Stuga machines
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 29/10/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
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Dictionary of parameters in Stuga machines
Stuga Parameter Dictionary | ||||||
Parameter Name | Description | Software | Machine | Value Range | Default value | Notes |
useGripRelease | Switch on sensor to detect if gripper is off | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 0 | |
useSawInfeedTopToggle | set true to toggle off / on saw infeed top clamp on last cut | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 0 | Requested by GF at Thermaseal A2008 |
ejectStrokeLength | Distance that eject cylinder pulls profile out of machine | winMulti | Autoflow | 0-600 | 600 | https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/TB0247_Safety_Gate_Distances_on_Autoflow |
outfeedSize | Size of outfeed table from where a square-ended bar is ejected to to the safety gate | winMulti | Autoflow | 1850-6000 | 2900 | https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/TB0247_Safety_Gate_Distances_on_Autoflow |
parkpositionR | Park position in degrees for R axis on power down | winmulti | Autoflow | 0-360 | 0 | Requested by GF at Glazerite A2009 |
shortestPieceAvoidEnd | Avoid using pieces shorter than this at end of bar. Optimiser forces a mechanical prep at the end depending on sawFeedDir. Switch off with 0. | winmulti | All | 0-1000 | 0 | DISABLED form because optimising adversly affected |
useUnclampSawOnReverse | default True. Switch off side and top saw clamps on autoflow on x axis reversing | winmulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 1 | Requested by GF at Thermaseal A2008 |
firstCutOverHeight | the extra height added for first cut on the bar. Stops the first trim cut from hanging around due to profile tape not cutting properly | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 to 50 | 0 | tested using fixed 50 at Thermaseal A2008, then added as parameter following Framemaker visit A2006 |
sawBacklashMove | Use a backlash compensation | winMulti 3.91 | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | Not implemented or used | |
useBlowerForEndPiece | Utilises a blower to remove the last tricky offcut on Autoflow | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 0 | Needs a blower upgrade fitted to ensure enough air flow (R0010270) |
throwawayChunkSize | defines piece size that offcuts<throwaway are chopped into until smallest grip is left | winMulti | Autoflow | 25-90 | 60 | Should be defined by distance between saw blade and rear saw outfeed fence to prevent jam ups |
houseKeepingStock | Days to retain bars used data | winMulti | All | 7-720 | 365 | https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
houseKeepingPieces | Days to retain pieces cut data | winMulti | All | 7-180 | 62 | |
houseKeepingRunning | Days to retain efficiency data | winMulti | All | 7-180 | 62 | |
disableOfConveyor | Disable Outfeed Conveyor on Autoflow Mk A machines | winMulti | Autoflow MkA | 0 or 1 | 0 | First done at Astraframe A2002. Machine works better without the conveyor |
houseKeepingEntryLog | Days to retain detailed io and axis data | winMulti | All | Jan-30 | ||
dbTickInterval | Sample frequency for detailed diagnostic data | winMulti | All | 100 to 2000 | 200 | May need to tweak if PC is slow or USB connection slow |
dbDumpInterval | sample frequency to dump data to database | winMulti | All | 1000 to 50000 | 5000 | May need to tweak if database / network connection is slow |
useEntryLogging | Switch on logging of detailed io and axis data | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | |
useToolBreakDetect | Switch on tool break detect feature | winMulti | ZX | 0 or 1 | 0 | Tool break detect only works on ultrasonic sensor and v3.30 mint |
toolBreakRange | range +/- for detection window of tool | winMulti | ZX | 1 to 10 | 5 | |
toolBreakSpeed | Speed of R axis on detection | winMulti | ZX | 10 to 200 | 100 | |
skipThrowawayMitreCut | Skip the leading mitre cut on last offcut | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 0 | Needed on A2007 because gripper arm on top of profile under the infeed clamp. Caused blockages |
reverseOptimisationOrder | Reverse optimisation order | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | reflects the piece preps and gaps as sent to optimiser, then reads piece back in reverse order. Looking to try to place short pieces at the start of the bar on left to right feed Microline machines, as short bits at end create a big problem in clamping |
debugStepMode | Debugging mode forcing a start to be pressed after each saw operation. | winMulti | Autoflow | 0 or 1 | 0 | Intention is to extend this with different modes in future, perhaps all axis moves, all recipie commands, etc |
throwaway | smallest waste piece that is able to be ejected onto the outfeed table | winMulti and winSaw | Autoflow and Saw | 200 to 260mm | 260 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
chutewidth | The largest size waste lump that would be pushed down the chute | winMulti and winSaw | Autoflow and Saw | 120mm to 150mm | 130 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
smallestgrip | the smallest waste piece at the very end of the bar that the clamping system (infeed side) is able to hold onto whilst a square cut takes place | winMulti and winSaw | Autoflow and Saw | 80-120mm | 100 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
optimiserYieldLimit | This will retest optimiser with increasing thresholds to get best yield | winMulti | All | 0-95 | 0 | Leave at 0 to disable |
use449ForStdLength | Use length given in 449 file as standard length | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Relies on 449 file having ONLY std lengths in, not offcuts |
useMachineUpload |
regular upload of machine status data for logging by front end | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Needs Mint v3.38 |
offcutShiftMin | lower limit to kick in offcut shift to start | winMulti | Microline only | 0 to 1000 | 0 | |
offcutShiftMax | upper limit to kick in offcut shift to start | winMulti | Microline only | 0 to 1000 | 0 | |
mlShortPieceSaveBarEnd | At bar end on Microline, position to move to to allow CLSOP to get under final piece | winMulti | Microline only | 0 to 1200 | 0 | 0 means do not use. See CC-013479. Video available of issue |
decelDivisorGlobal | Number to divide actual accel rate by at end of slots - helps stop the slot end from overshooting and giving poor finish | winMulti | All | 1 to 10 | 10 | Implemented as a permanent fixture on Z041 Polyframe, but this allows the amount to be modified for performance reasons. Can also be modified locally in mnd file BEFORE a speed command - decelDivisor=nn |
phaseScaling | scaling the feedback from the phase monitor module | winMulti | Ring | 0.1 to 1 | 1 | |
minYNotchResidual | Minimum residual amount allowed for Y notches on Autoflow | winMulti | Autoflow | 5 to 50 | 20 | Following issues on CC-014201 Astraframe where notch too deep damaged blade |
psInfeedRollerLift | Delay between infeed roller lifting and infeed belt starting | winMulti | Mk3 Infeed only | 0 to 2000 | 1000 | As recommended by MV 04/12/15 |
autoloadLength | Lengths > autoloadLength will allow standalone saw autoloading to work, else load manually to backfence | winMulti | Standalone Saw Mk5 Only | 4500-6000 | 5500 | |
yNotchStartGap | Gap distance at start of bar for Y notching | winMulti | All | 0-350 | 270 | On Microline this beeds updated W_ESYF and W_ESYR mnd files. In Gaps file, the letter for this is 'y'. Used instead of 's+s' or 's+s+s', which were a work-around |
gripPassPos | G axis position when ejecting profile to transfer table | winMulti | Mk3 Outfeed only | 0-100 | 75 | |
secondSawHeight | Height of middle saw cut out sensor if fitted | winMulti | Saw Mk5 | 0-100 | 0 | Used as the tipping point for the saw cut height when set on the pep slider. If set to 0, feature is switched off |
overLengthMax | amount that optimising system will allow an overlength before modifying stdLength for all following lengths | winMulti | Measuring infeeds | 0-100 | 25 | If set too low, optimiser is able to reoptimise all bar lengths to (say 6025) and could lead to needing fewer bars on infeed table. This can lead to confusion and misloading |
optimiserVersion | External optimiser version | winMulti | All | 1 to 2 | 1 | 1=std; 2=2016 version (requires optim2016.exe) |
useOffcutsDiagnostics | log movement of offcuts in diagnostic file | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Only switch on if tracing problems, as it slows down the loading process, esp if there are lots of offcuts |
flowlineAllInOne | Switches oin second saw screen | winMulti | Flowline | 0 or 1 | 0 | Activates control of saw side from one TwinCAT3 PC. Seperated from machineType because we could have Mk3, ZX3 or ZX4 with flowlineAllInOne=1 |
psZTurret | Z turret pulse delay (ms) | winMulti | Flowline | 500-4000 | 1000 | |
frontToBackVersion | Definition of interface between front end and back end controller | winMulti | All | 1 to 3 | 1 | Changes needed for flowlineAllInOne. This parameter keeps compatibility between versions. Detail of changes is in following sheets.
3 - uses ph parameters for output change - requires tcMulti3.41 back end (TC3 only) REMOVED IN V6 as the front end reads the back end version |
useUnderRoller | useUnderRollerFlag - activates checking of underroller home sensors on X return | winMulti | ZX | 0 or 1 | 1 | Only used on ZX |
useComponentEntry | activates component entry screen on manual input | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Specifically designed for BPS A2015 |
transferType | Transfert Table type | winMulti | Beckhoff control | 0-2 | 0 | 0-LiftSlide; 1-LiftLoad; 2-Mk6 |
componentDirectory | Directory used to read componet information from | winMulti | All | text | c:\components\ | |
invert300Hz | Invert the 300Hz / 50Hz output | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Need to invert the output for Delta Inverters - set to 1 |
allWasteAtStart | Force all waste < minOffcut to be cut at start of bar | winMulti | Standalone saw only | 0 or 1 | 0 | cut into throwawayChunkSize pieces. |
showCutPieceList | displays a windows form with the last n pieces on | winMulti | All | 0-10 | 0 | Useful at BPS as they have no printer and were using the Bar Edit screen. 0 switches off |
usePLCEstop | Switches on compatibility with PLC TwinSafe safety systems | winMulti | TwinCAT3 only | 0 or 1 | 0 | Configuration parameter - critical |
globalYDepthAdjustment | Value to offset ALL Y notch depths by to overcome differences in 3rd Party software output and actual welder values | winMulti | All | "-5 to 5" | 0 | |
liftingPusher | Switches on lifting pusher capability | winMulti | a | 0 or 1 | 0 | |
useBarQueueIdentifier | Switches on Bar identifier holes | winMulti | Flowline | 0 or 1 | 0 | Uses IDENTIFY mnd file to create 1, 2 or 3 holes in each bar to help identify on saw side. |
useOnlyStdLengths | Forces machine to measure and use only standard lengths. Measuring system just used to check | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Used at BPS where they never use offcuts |
useReverseArrowHeads | Reverse order of arrow head cutting so that chute is at front of machine on final cut | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Changes direction of small offcut triangles, helps with offcut disposal on Autoflow |
groupOpFootprint | max area that the grouping can take place | winMulti | All | 0 to 6500 | 1000 | Equivalent to max reversing move on grouping. |
groupOpNeighbour | max distance to nearest similar op | winMulti | All | 0 to 1000 | 0 | if closer than this distance it will group the operations. Set to 0 to disable |
useInfeedOnLargeOffcut | allows large offcut to be removed from infeed on standalone saw type machine | winMulti | Standalone Saw | 0 or 1 | 0 | Emulates old style saw feature "hugeOffcutReversePusher" |
frameCountSource | Select the source of the data that feeds the frame count | winMulti | All | 0-2 | 0 | 0=off; 1=SlotNumber; 2=trimmed id field |
pieceBitmapIdentifier | Identifier lable on the piece picture in the bar queue | winMulti | All | 0-3 | 0 | 0=off; 1=PieceNumber; 2=SlotNo; 3=Trimmed Id field |
infeedScreenType | Resolution of infeed screen | winMulti | All | 0-1 | 0 | 0=std; 1=WideHD |
sawSYType | SY axis type | winMulti | All | 0-2 | 0 | 0=No SY Axis; 1=Full range, as autoflow;2=Y-Drive about centralise |
inverterOkHigh | State of inverter OK signal | winMulti | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | 0=Low is ok, 1= high is OK |
safetyCctActiveLow | Invert the TwinSAFE PLC safety input to make it active low | winMulti | TwinSAFE systems | 0 or 1 | 0 | 0 = Default, reads high signal when safety is reset.
1 = Safety circuit reads high when circuit is broken This parameter added as a few TwinSAFE machines have an inverted safety input in the twinsafe link, and this allows an easy way around the issue (S094, Z049) This is not an easy solution to the problem - for other reasons, the output needs to be active high, so ES circuit must be changed. Parameter not used v6 above |
ps_PopUp | Delay for popup cylinders in ms | winMulti | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 250 | |
ps_DDClampOn | Delay for datum drill clamp cylinder On in ms | winMulti | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 500 | |
ps_DDClampOff | Delay for datum drill clamp cylinder Off in ms | winMulti | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 250 | |
lengthMeasureScale | Scaling for the length measuring laser | winMulti | ZX5 | -1 to 1 | -0.176829174 | Scaling factor for the analogue feedback from the laser in mm. Change this at your peril! |
lengthMeasureOffset | Offset for the length measuring laser | winMulti | ZX5 | 5000 to 7000 | 6294.54 | Offset for laser position in mm. Adjust to correct offcut length readings. Accuracy of laser is +/- 10mm |
stdLenSensor1Pos | Position of the std Length sensor 1 (shorter) | | ZX5 | 4000 to 7000 | 5950 | |
stdLenSensor2Pos | Position of the std Length sensor 2 (longer) | | ZX5 | 4000 to 7000 | 6450 | |
sawDepthOffsetY** | Depth offset for Y notches using saw head. | | ZX5 | -1 to 1 | 0 | Allows tweaking of right and left Y notches if they are not the same, as the normal depth offset affect both left and right. The fact that this has to be modified probably means that the blade centre line is not in line witht the SR axis of rotation and a blade spacer is needed. |
ps_pushToBfDrill | Channel B push to backfence for drill | | ZX5 | 0 to 6000 | 3000 | |
ps_pushToBfMod* | Push to backfence time | | ZX5 | 0 to 6000 | 3000 | |
ps_crankOverrun* | Crank overrun after sensor seen | | ZX5 | 0 to 5000 | 100 | Allows overrun where sensor comes on before end of crank travel |
ps_popUpFilter* | Time filther for dog slot sensors | | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 100 | Used to filter spurious signals, sensor must be constantly activated for this amount of time before active |
ps_drillPlDown | Timeout for drill plunge to out sensor before error | | ZX5 | 0 to 10000 | 5000 | |
ps_blowerPulse* | Pulse time for blower in this module | | ZX5 | 0 to 10000 | 500 | |
ps_popUpOut* | Time for popup to activate | | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 250 | Special case for Datum Drill - has longer popups |
ps_popUpDown* | Time for popup to deactivate | | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 250 | |
ps_popUpEnd* | Time delay for "end" pop up to activate | | ZX5 | 0 to 5000 | 0 | Module D is 2000 by default to allow bar to clear first dog before transfer table takes it |
ps_rollerDrop* | Time for rollers to drop | | ZX5 | 0 to 2000 | 0 | Module A is 500 by default |
ps_gripOn* | Gripper teeth on timeout before teeth out error | | ZX5 | 0 to 2000 | 1000 | |
ps_gripOff* | Delay allowed for gripper assembly off | | ZX5 | 0 to 2000 | 1000 | |
ps_gripHeight* | Deleay for gripper height to reach profile | | ZX5 | 0 to 5000 | 2000 | |
ps_chanLockOn* | Delay to allow channel locking device to activate | | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 250 | |
ps_chanLockOffOn* | Time between channel off and lock on | | ZX5 | 0 to 1000 | 50 | Increase to create a bigger gap for the saw infeed Module E channel |
ps_crankTimeout | Timeout for all cranks for home / out sensor made | | ZX5 | 0 to 10000 | 5000 | |
qDrawBarId | Adds the bar ID to the bar picture instead of bar length | | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Helps track and diagnose bar queueing issues |
widthMeasureScale | Scaling for the width measuring | | ZX5 | -1 to 1 | -0.030534 | Scaling factor for the analogue feedback from the width measure in mm. Change this at your peril! |
widthMeasureOffset | Offset for the width measuring | | ZX5 | -500 to 500 | 128.7 | Offset forwidth in mm. Adjust to correct width readings. Accuracy of sensor is +/- 0.1mm. Beware of profile crushing |
useMitreOnStartWaste | Use a mitre cut, not square cut on waste at start of bar | | All | 0 or 1 | 1 | Stops offcut waste jamming bar push at beginning |
ps_InvAccelTime50Hz | Delay between motor accel start and plunge start for 50Hz spindle | | All | 0 to 2000 | 500 | enable reduction in accelleration pause before plunging. On pre-Beckhoff flowlines, this is immediate (effectively zero). It is possible to accellerate during the plunge movement, but care must be taken to ensure the tool is up to speed before a speedy drain |
ps_InvAccelTime300Hz | Delay between motor accel start and plunge start for 300Hz spindle | | All | 0 to 2000 | 200 | enable reduction in accelleration pause before plunging. On pre-Beckhoff flowlines, this is immediate (effectively zero). It is possible to accellerate during the plunge movement, but care must be taken to ensure the tool is up to speed before a speedy drain |
widthMeasureMode | Mode of operation for width measuring | | ZX | 0 to 6 | 0 | Width measuring mode. 0=off; 1=profile recognition; 2=profile tolerance; 3= recognition and tolerance |
zTurretSawType | Turrect Type used | | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | 0=Stuga; 1=Somatec |
productionRecipients | List of email addresses to send production data to | | All | text | none | Sperated by semicolon |
productionEmailTime | Time of day to send production email for previous shift | | All | text | 09:00:00 | |
emailServer | Email server used to send | | All | text | smtp.office365.com | } |
emailUser | Email username on server | | All | text | [[1]] | } |
emailPassword | Email user password on server | | All | text | Wuzo4848 | } These parameters are the standard using the Stuga Email Server |
emailPort | Email port number | | All | 0 to 999 | 587 | } |
emailConnectType | Email connection type on server | | All | 0 to 4 | 1 | } 0=Direct SSL; 1=SSLAuto; 2=Normal; 3=StartTLS; 4=TryTLS |
infeedLaserRemeasure | Length measured by laser below which the rear sensors are used. | | ZX5 | 0 to 7500 | 2000 | Helps mismeasures on smaller size offcuts |
reverseGripHoles | Reverse the hole order on grip location holes | | ZX5 | 0 or 1 | 0 | Overcomes problem with Liniar profile with a curved edge near backfence.
0= rear then front; 1= front then rear |
maxOffsetFromCentreline | Maximum allowable offset for a Y notch from the centreline | | ZX5 | 0 to 20 | 20 | This is a limitation on Ydrive - it can only range +/-20mm from the profile centre |
remakesPassword | Separate Password for remakes screen | | All | text | none | none will disable feature |
yGripHolePosition | Gripper hole position in Y axis on ZX5 gripper | | ZX5 | 0 to 40 | 15 | Needs to be 12 on Z066 |
useInverterAtZero | Spindle off routing waits for X308 Inverter at Zero before releasing spindle relay | | All | 0 or 1 | 0 | Needs Yaskawa inverter fitted. Will cause longer delay if Zero not reached |
useBarcodeReader | Switches on barcode reading function for Ecoline | | Ecoline | 0 or 1 | 0 | Puts input window at bottom centre of screen |
ecoGripperDepth | Required depth of gripper into profile | | Ecoline | -30 to -10 | -18 | |
ecoGripperToSpindle | Distange from gripping point to spindle centreline | | Ecoline | 10 to 30 | 25 | |
ecoInfeedOverrun | Distance that infeed loader pushes profile past zero | | Ecoline | 20 to 50 | 40 | |
ecoLaserAdjust | Adjustment for laser position | | Ecoline | 0 to 10 | 6.2 | |
maxLoadLength | Scales the bars on screen to maxiumum load length | | All | 2000 to 6600 | 6500 | Originally, scaling fixed to a 6500mm bar, but changed to allow ecoline to scale up shorter pieces to give a better operator view |
ecoSkipVPos | Illegal area at each end of piece where V notch cannot happen | | Ecoline | 100 to 400 | 300 | |
ecoGripperlength | Length of gripper - used to ensure a prep does not enter the gripper area | | Ecoline | 0 to 100 | 80 | System automatically adds on depth created by mitre and G axis position |
bladeCenAdjust | tweak the difference between \f and f/ when there is a difference in bladeOffset/ and bladeOffset\ | | ZX | -3 to +3 | 0 | |
ecoMitreAdjust | Adjustment for difference of x position of operations on ecoline - mitre compared to square end cut | | Ecoline | -5 to +5 | 0 | |
ecoArrowAdjust | Adjustment for difference of x position of operations on ecoline - arrowhead compared to square end cut | | Ecoline | -5 to +5 | 0 | |
isAncilSaw | Disables and enables parameters specific to an ancillary or cill saw | | Sawing Modules | 0 or 1 | 0 | |
transferMHControl | switches control of transfer table to MH side | | Flowline / ZX | 0 or 1 | 0 | take care with stoppableOutputs and alarms as any transfer ones will need to be rerouted
see https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Changing_Control_of_Transfer_to_MH_Side |
exhausterVNotch | switches on/off control of extractor when VMOT running | | Flowline / ZX | 0 or 1 | 1 | |
throwawayMinChunk | provide a "no-go" range for chunks cut to prevent lodging in backfence | | Sawing | 0-150 | 100 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
throwawayMaxChunk | provide a "no-go" range for chunks cut to prevent lodging in backfence | | Sawing | 50-150 | 100 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
throwawayEjectAtStart | ejects throwaway pieces at start of the bar | | Sawing | 0 or 1 | 0 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
invertSlowdownInput | Invert the input for slowing down the main axis (pusher on saw) when a gate open or lightbeam broken | | Sawing | 0 or 1 | 0 | Some machines are wired differently - this allows compatibility with latest software |
chuteWidthAtStart | allows a longer waste cut at the start (possible on Autoflows) | | Autoflows | 0 or 1 | 0 | See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Throwaway_Chutewidth_and_SmallestGrip |
psToolRetract | timer used when tool is switched off if tool home input is non-existent or switched off | | All | |||
screenMainX | Parameters for screen position and size | | All | -1 | ||
screenMainY | ||||||
screenMainH | ||||||
screenMainW | ||||||
screenSawX | ||||||
screenSawY | ||||||
screenSawH | ||||||
screenSawW | ||||||
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