Specialised Settings for Beckhoff Drives

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 1/10/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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There are a number of specialised settings that need to take place on the Beckhoff setup for a new machine.

Velocity Control

AX5000 Drives.jpg
...This setting is for AX5000 Drives only

Change to velocity mode                                   

           IODevices->Drive->EtherCAT->Advanced->MailBox->SoE->Operation Mode = Velocity

Specialised Settings for Beckhoff Drives Velocity.png

Following Error to Internal

...This setting is for AX5000 Drives only

From Axes, select the axis, then the “Axis_Drive” bar. Click on Parameter tab, Following Error Calculation is under “Other Settings”

Set to 'Intern'

Specialised Settings for Beckhoff Drives Following Error.png

Integral Loop Time

This parameter gives a close following error calculation and improves the shape of slots by avoiding overrun on the axes

Ax5000 Drives

AX5000 Drives.jpg

Step Description Picture
1 In the Drive Manager for the drive, Go to the Startup tab
Drive Manager Startup Tab.png
2 Find S-0-0101.

The default value is 8.0, we need to change it to 0.8

If this is a dual drive, there will be an (A) and a (B) entry. you will need to change both

S-0-0101 Entry.png
3 Double Click
4 Find the value for S-0-0101 in the box
S-0-0101 Startup Entry.png
5 Change the value to 0.8 and click OK
S-0-0101 Change Value.png
6 Once all drives have been updated, reset the device to fix the settings

Right click on the device containing the settings and

Device Online Reset.png

...This process changes the "Startup" parameters for the system, so that any drive plugged in to this axis position in future will automatically take the same parameters

Ax8000 Drives

Setting up TwinCAT Drive Manager for AX8000 Drives AX8000 drives.jpg



