TB0409 Setting Up Windows 10 PC 2018

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 30/10/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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These instructions allow the computer to be set up correctly ready for delivery to customer’s site. The customer can plug it in to a network connection and we can then connect to update backups, etc.

Étape 1 - Connect

Connect monitor, network cable, keyboard, mouse/touchpad, and switch on PC.

Étape 2 - Check Windows Activated

Click on file explorer then go to 'This PC', Right click on unused space and click properties.

Check Windows is activated, "Windows is activated" should be shown.

Étape 3 - Change PC Name

  1. Under 'Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings' click ' Change settings'.
  2. For computer description type "Stuga" followed by the variety of machine. i.e. "Stuga Flowline". Click 'Apply'.
  3. Under 'Computer name' type the machine's buildNo. If required state the position of the computer (FE, BE, S, etc.), i.e. F035FE.
  4. Under 'Workgroup' type "STUGA".
  5. Click 'Ok' on both windows. You will now be prompted to restart your computer. Click 'Restart now'.

Étape 4 - Install Teamviewer Host

  1. Go to the browser and search "www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/".
  2. Scroll down to TeamViewer Host and click on 'Download Host',
  3. When prompted press 'Run' to start download. Make sure download is of the most recent version.
  4. Click next on the install wizard welcome screen.
  5. When on the how you would like to use screen select 'Company/commercial use' option and press next.
  6. Now on the personal password screen, by computer name put the customers company name followed by the buildNo i.e. Sidey Z066FE. (Note: If PC is to replace one on an already operational machine put the month and year after the buildNo i.e. Sidey Z066FE 10/08).
  7. Password is in convention with Stuga's standard password naming policy. (See Stuga IT department).
  8. Select the option 'I don't want to create a TeamViewer account now' and press next.
  9. Press finish. You will now be given the TeamViewer ID for the computer. Take note of this

Étape 5 - Add to the Company Teamviewer Account

  1. On a separate computer sign into your TeamViewer account. If this is the first time your account has been used on this device a conformation e-mail will be sent to your company e-mail address.
  2. Once logged on, go to the 'Computers & Contacts' tab on the left side.
  3. Then 'add remote device' from the top right corner of the window.
  4. From here you can input the TeamViewerID and Password (from Step 12)
  5. Alias will be the company's name followed by the BuildNo and position i.e. Sidey Z065 FrontEnd.
  6. Group is the machine type this PC will be installed on

Étape 6 - Test Teamviewer

The connection can now be tested between engineer’s computer and host computer. Under the ‘Computer & Contacts’ locate the recently made connection under the group it was designated. When found double-click to control connected computer.

Étape 7 - Add the PC reference to Monday Board

On Monday, navigate to "Control Systems Log"

Find the Build number and add the Netmatters reference to the "Asset no" column

Étape 8 - Relocate Install Software Directory

  1. On the desktop of the target PC there will be a file that named ‘Install Software’.
  2. Right click this and press cut.
  3. Then go to the file explorer, This PC and then ‘Local Disk (C:)’.
  4. Right click on unused space and click paste.
  5. The ‘Install Software’ folder will now be in ‘Local Disk (C:)’ and not on the desktop.

Étape 9 - Clean up desktop

  1. Now highlight all files and shortcuts on the desktop except the recycle bin and press delete.
  2. When prompted select “Move to Recycle Bin”. 
  3. Then click into recycle bin and select “Empty Recycle Bin”.

