PC Configuration - ZX E

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 12/11/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

PC network configuration of the ZX3 / 4 following using a Windows Front End Pc and Beckhoff TwinCAT2 system running the back end on machining centre side. Windows PC with Nextmove ESB on Saw side


Setup follows the format of ZXD with two independent windows machines with independent control systems. In ZX D, the MH side pc is replaced with a beckhoff PC running TwinCAT2 . TwinCAT2 machines are all Windows XP Embedded OS. The Saw side PC generally maps a drive and runs its control software from a shared directory on the MH side computer.

Both PCs have a network port and are connected through a 5 port switch located in the MH cabinet

PC Naming
MH Side Saw Side

where nn is the build number


where nn is the build number

Folder Structure
MH Setup Files Saw Setup Files MH Front End Software Saw Front End Software
*.mul initialisation files
*.saw initialisation files
written in vb.net
written in vb.net

Location of folder structure of MH side and saw side can be changed in the local masterdir.saw. See https://stuga.dokit.app/wiki/Masterdir_File


Historically, these PCs could be one of a number of different hardwares

  • ACER Revo (Windows XP, 7, 8.1)
  • Gapton or Netmatters supplied "CNC" machine
Netmatters CNC PC.png

