Instructions to prepare parts for fitting to main frame
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 7/01/2025 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Instructions to prepare parts for fitting to main frame
Tools Required
Compressed air line
180 grit emery tape
Fe10 solvent
Cleaning cloth
Standard Hex key set
Standard spanner set
Grease gun
Parts Required
D0015556 x 1
D0015555 x 1
B0001094 x 9
B0000228 x 9That that indicated 2 of M6 tapped holes are taped through
To check wind M6 grubscrew through hole and make sure it exits the other side
9 off to check
Ensure shafts D0015556 and D0015555 are clean before trial fitting .
1 check for any burrs or damage to shafts . Remove with File/emery tape 180 grit if present
2 Use compressed air to clean debris from all keyways on shafts .
3 Use Fe10 solvent to remove contaminants on
Ensure bearings B0000228 9 off are clean before trial fitting
1 Check for any internal burrs especially around grubscrew point .
If present remove with emery tape 180 grit
2 Use compressed air to remove and debris
3 Use Fe10 solvent to remove any contamination
Ensure B0001094 Pinions 9 off are clean before trial fitting
1 Check for any internal burrs especially around grubscrew point .
If present remove with emery tape 180 grit
2 Use compressed air to remove and debris
3 Use Fe10 solvent to remove any contamination
Check the following
1 Every B0000228 bearing passes freely over each shaft
2 Every B0001094 pinion passes freely over each shaft
If tight spots are found, these steps should be followed
1 Disregard supplied grease nipples supplied with bearing blocks, but retain plastic cover for the nippkle.
Attach B0000245 45 degree grease nipple to B0000228 bearings (18 off)
2 Use grease gun to grease bearings to aid assembly
3 Re fit grease nipple cover to new grease nipple
en none 0 Draft
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