How to solve problem when setting two routes to a TwinCAT3 system
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 3/12/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
How to solve problem when setting two routes to a TwinCAT3 system
Historically, it has been possible to set up a system system where a Beckhoff CX5120 PC has a front end windows PC AND a second windows “diagnostic” PC attached to it.
This allows connection of the “diagnostic “ PC remotely via teamviewer, to log on to the PLC and monitor all data
Meanwhile the front end PC (operating the HMI) is uninterrupted in production using a route to the PLC.
This situation has stopped working on two recent setups. The Twincat router refuses to run the two routes simultaneously. As soon as a route on the second PC is connected, it drops out the first and vice versa.
"AMS Net Id"s of the Front End and Back End PCs are the same.
These are easily checked and modified by right clicking the TwinCAT icon in the task bar
There are 3 PCs on newer machines, and factories can have more than one machine. Therefore a system to uniquely identify each AMS Net Id is needed. The is easily achieved using the build number xxx in the AMS Net Id in the 4th octet position.
In the extremely unlikely event that a factory has two machines with the same build number, then use the 2nd octet to make the id unique. n=1, n=2, etc
PC | AMS Net Id |
BE - Beckhoff or Backend | |
FE - Front End PC | |
VM - Virtual Machine | |
Z056 and F056 share the same network
Z056BE =
Z056FE =
Z056FE =
F056BE =
F056FE =
F056FE =
en none 0
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