PC Bios Power Settings - Dell

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 12/01/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Changing the BIOS. Power settings on Dell PC


Dell PC does not switch on / Monitor blank

PC switches on with button on front


The PC may have lost its BIOS settings for power on

  1. BIOS settings screen is run by pressing and holding F2 immediately after power on
  2. Set the Power settings as below

Please Note the F2 key may need pressing several times when attempting


PC Bios Power Settings - Dell Image.png

PC Bios Power Settings - Dell Screenshot 2023-11-13 120137.jpg

If the problem reoccurs, the root cause could be a battery failure. The customer can get the battery replaced at a local PC repair shop, this is not a repair that Stuga can offer.

