Details for hard piping of extraction system
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 5/09/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Details for hard piping of extraction system
Tools Required
Duct tape
Parts Required
M0000116 Ø200mm to 3 way (Ø125mm) extractor pipe connector x 1
M0000118 Ø200mm - 90 deg Bend Ducting x 1
M0000185 Ø125 mm ID 45 degree bend x 1
M0001045 Rigid Ducting Ø125 x 1000mm x 2
M0001213 Rigid Ducting Ø200mm x 500mm x 1
M0001214 Rigid Ducting Ø200 x 2000mm long x 3
Fit ducting as shown
2 off M0001228
1 off M0001213
1 off M0000118
en none 0 Draft
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