Pneumatic connections and cable information
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 7/01/2025 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Pneumatic connections and cable information
Tools Required
Standard hex key set
6mm black Air pipe
Pipe identification numbers
Pneumatic Pipe cutters
W0001002 cable (from consumable stock )
Parts Required
M0001127 Cable Tie Base (m6) (from consumable stock)
P0000046 Fitting: 'Y' Adaptor 6mm x 2
Use loctite 243 on all fasteners
Use Loctite 572 on all threaded pneumatic connections
Pen mark all bolts to show finalised
Attach 7 off M0001127 Cable Tie Base (m6) as shown using M5 x 10 button sockets
Identification numbers
1 Cut 2 6mm black air pipes long enough to run the indicated route
2 Identify each pipe, one 951 and one 959
3 Connect pipes to gate as indicated and leave pipes to loom later
Cut Length of W00010002 cable to follow the route shown , and mark both ends clearly Y94
Start to create loom from safety gate
Attach to first tiebase and separate pneumatic cables to top lug and cables to lower
Pipes 951 and 959, Y94 cable, and reed switches X189 and X190 should be loomed in as shown
Y94 should be left with enough length to connect to cut guard beacon when fitted
Cut 2 lengths of 6mm black airline at the right length to follow the indicated route
Pipe identifications
871 and 879
Connect pipes to indicated ports on cylinder
1 Continue looms bring in the two pipes and continue to the next push cylinder assembly
2 Cut 2 more 6mm black air pipes to run the indicated route and identify and connect as the previous step
3 Add to loom and continue to end of frame
1 Use P0000046 6mm y connection to connect pipes 879 together as shown
Use P0000046 6mm y connection to connect pipes 871 together as shown
2 Use 6mm black air pipe to connect each Y connector to valve bank .
Connect 871/9 to rightside valve.
Connect 871 to port A2 above valve
Connect 879 to port A4 above valve
3 Connect 951 to second valve. port A2
connect 959 to second valve, port A4
Ensure all looms are correctly tethered to retention points , and are not twisted or buckled .
Ensure all breaks of pipe work are numbered for identification
1 Connect mains air to 8mm and purge system to mains pressure
2 Check for audible air leaks , and correct if found
3 Check home positions. With the air connected the following home positions should be checked
A Y95 Safety gate should be extended out
B Y87 Cylinder push should be retracted
4 Manually fire valve on Y95 by pressing over ride button and holding in (C) check that cylinder moves and no air leaks are present when fired
Repeat for Y87 output
Remove air supply once testing is complete
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