Specification for Software Install Locations

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 12/10/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Ideal locations of the diagnostic software on the various hardware setups

As technology has progressed over the years, there have been many different ways of setting up the PCs and software systems.

This document lays out the "ideal" method, which should be the achievable standard moving forwards, however there are many installations that do not meet this standard. This is due to factors such as

  • Hardware upgrades,
  • Unsolveable software / windows / source control issues
  • lack of clarity,
  • available resource/ time
  • changes in staff over the years.

The list is organised in chronological descending order, the dates are not precise

2023 VM Machine

The front-end Dell PCs have a secondary hard drive and additional memory (12Gb total) which allow a "Virtual Machine" to run in the background. This replaced the need for a seperate piece of hardware to act as a Camera or Diagnostic PC, because the desktop of the application is not visible to the operator and does not interrupt their flow of production.

Software Installations
Software Where Notes
TwinCAT3 / Visual Studio Editor Standard install Use the "XaE" editor which has the Version Control system build in to it.

TC31-FULL is installed on the VM

TC31-XAR is installed on the Beckhoff PC

Versions need to match

Drive manager Standard install Since the move over to AX8000 drives, Each solution will have a drive manager project to enable the axis drives to be fully interrogated
tc3Multi and PLC_Reset

PLC code

C:\TwinCAT\Stuga\[BuildNo] The PLC code is managed by the version control in a "\source" folder. This is done to ensure the PLC source code is completely separate from the rest of the project. ie the code that is common to all machines is completely separate to the machine-specific configuration files
Mapped drive to FE DDRIVE d:\ Useful to easily view and modify the front end files
Flowops c:\flowops Point to the data on d:\ so it can be viewed and edited remotely
Camera Viewer Software IPV4 Set up so all 4 IP streams can be seen simultaneously without logging on. This is more useable for viewing than the standard IP website

