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Rechercher dans les propriétés de la page

Entrer soit une page et une propriété, ou seulement une propriété, pour récupérer toutes les valeurs affectées.

Affichage de 10 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (20 précédentes | 20 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • #Open Team Explorer #Clone a new Git Repository #URL to clone: #Click on the destination setup #Create a new folder under the machine build folder called "source" #Click 'Clone'   +
  • #Right click on TwinCAT service in the ta #Right click on TwinCAT service in the task bar #If TcXaeShell is installed you will see the gold Icon with the cog inside There is a Visual Studio icon here instead, you will need to install TcXaeShell. Procedure is [ here]
    Studio_to_Beckhoff_TCXAEShell here] <br/>   +
  • #Right click the PLC_Reset Project #Select Change Project #Navigate to the repository you have created in Step 6 c:\TwinCAT\Stuga\BuildNo\source\PLC_Reset\PLC_Reset.plcproj #Repeat for the tc3Multi project   +
  • Atlassian Username is StugaMachinery PassAtlassian Username is StugaMachinery Password is stored in the file G:\IT Department\SourceTree BitBucket App Password.txt
    ...Sometimes, the password credentials are already stored and the password entry is not necessary
    ntials are already stored and the password entry is not necessary</div> </div>  +
  • Check the PLC Projects are called tc3Multi PLC_Reset If they have a number after them (as in picture, they will need to be '''renamed first'''  +
  • Delete the versionControl folder completelDelete the versionControl folder completely
    ...This prevents confusion in the future of where the project exists

    prevents confusion in the future of where the project exists</div> </div><br/>  +
  • If so, this is probably due to the PLC proIf so, this is probably due to the PLC project having no "Instance": # Build the solution # Import the mappings file taken in step 2
    ...The "Instance" is created when the PLC project is built. This has all the IO definitions in it (ie axes, outputArray, inputArray, etc) If it does not exist, the IO cannot be linked. Once built, you can then import the old links back in again

    inked. Once built, you can then import the old links back in again</div> </div><br/>  +
  • Update the Version Control column on the [ board] to "VisualStudio" to log the completion of this task  +
  • [[Archiving a TwinCAT Project]]  +
  • [[Creating Backup of TwinCAT Mapping]] &l[[Creating Backup of TwinCAT Mapping]]
    ...This is really, really important to do

    on-instructions-text">...This is really, really important to do</div> </div><br/>  +